

B.App.Sc (Physio), M.App.Sc (Orthopaedic Physio), APAM

Andrew Clarkson joined the team at Advanced OMS in 2024, as a physiotherapist with a special focus on temporomandibular disorders, musculoskeletal headache and facial pain. 

Andrew completed his undergraduate physiotherapy degree in Adelaide and his Masters in Physiotherapy (Orthopaedics) at the University of South Australia in 1995.  Andrew is a twice titled physiotherapist by the Australian Physiotherapy Association in Sports & Exercise and Musculoskeletal disciplines. 

He has worked with numerous sporting groups through his earlier career as a sports physiotherapist, highlights being the 2002 SANFL premiership with Sturt Football Club, the 2009 State Netball premiership with Oakdale Netball Club and the gold medal winning Australian Beach Volleyball team at the Sydney Olympics in 2000. The greatest achievement though was the many friendships made along the way. 

Since 2009, Andrew has dedicated his career to advancing his knowledge and practical solutions to the difficult-to-manage temporomandibular region. He is on the national committee of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Orofacial Pain Andrew is a friendly, approachable and lateral thinking problem solver and looks forward to meeting and helping you. 

For further information visit Adelaide Jaw Physiotherapy.